Withdrawal conditions for the European Union only!

Conditions for the right of withdrawal and returns

Right of withdrawal: time limits and scope

    The customer has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days in which to express his or her wish to return products that do not suit him or her, without having to justify his or her decision.

    This period begins on the day the goods are received by the customer or by a third party designated by the customer, with the exception of the carrier.

    For orders for several goods delivered separately, or for orders for goods made up of multiple batches or parts whose delivery is staggered over a defined period, the time limit begins to run from receipt of the last good, batch or part.

    If this period expires on a Saturday, Sunday, bank holiday or public vacation, it is extended until the next working day.

    The right of withdrawal does not apply to the following orders: - Supply of goods that have been used or worn by the customer after delivery.

    The right of withdrawal is exercised without penalty, with the exception of the cost of returning the goods, which is borne by the customer.


    Conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal :

      In order to exercise his/her right of withdrawal, the customer must inform Unikiff.com of his/her decision to withdraw by means of a clear declaration by e-mail to the following address contact@unikiff.com these general terms and conditions.

      In order to respect the withdrawal period, the user must send his request before the end of the withdrawal period mentioned above.

      Return and refund policy

      The customer is responsible for the cost of returning the product.

      If the product cannot be returned by post due to its nature, the customer is responsible for the return costs.

      The product must be returned in new condition, in its original packaging and accompanied by the return slip to the address indicated on the slip. The customer must return the product to Unikiff.com without undue delay and, in any event, no later than fourteen (14) days following his decision to withdraw.

      The product must be accompanied by the return slip. The customer is hereby informed that he/she will be liable to Unikiff.com for any depreciation of the product resulting from handling other than that necessary to assess its nature, characteristics and proper functioning.

      The customer is also informed that products must be returned intact, complete, undamaged or soiled, in conditions not exceeding simple use for testing purposes.

      The return period is deemed to have been respected if the product is returned before the expiry of the fourteen (14) days.

      Unikiff.com will reimburse the customer for all payments received, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the choice of a delivery method other than the standard method offered by Unikiff.com), without undue delay and, in any case, at the latest within fourteen (14) days of notification by Unikiff.com.


      To receive the cancellation form, please contact us indicating “Cancellation form”.